Balancing the Budget: Outsourcing Business ServicesBalancing the Budget: Outsourcing Business Services

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Balancing the Budget: Outsourcing Business Services

My company is now over a decade old and I still outsource several key functions. It isn't that I can't afford to keep them in house. It is just that outsourcing is the most financially responsible decision I can make. I outsource all sorts of support services. One company manages my IT needs. Another partner takes care of the payroll and remitting taxes. I even have a cleaning service that comes in at night, does the windows, and in general keeps everything spotless. If you think outsourcing might benefit your business, let's talk. I'll tell you what I outsource and why. From there, you can decide if my strategy would also work for you.

Three Times When Renting a Storage Unit May Be a Wise Choice

Whether you are simply trying to get a handle on your home's clutter or preparing for a move, storage units may come in handy. Most companies rent on a month-to-month basis, so it's easy to get a unit for only as long as you need it. Storage units typically range in size from a closet-like 5 X 10 to a two-car garage version that's 20 X 20. Below are three situations where a storage unit can save the day. Read More 

Top Three Challenges of Long-Distance Business Moves (and How to Overcome Them)

A long-distance move poses more challenges than a regular local move. The challenges become even more heightened when you're moving your business to another state. The following are the top three challenges of long-distance business moves, with advice on how to overcome them. 1.  How Do You Run Your Business While It's in Transit? You have all your business equipment packed away. Your phone lines are disconnected, and your PC is back in its original, foam-core box for safekeeping. Read More 

3 As A Service Solutions That Can Make The Cloud Work For Small Businesses

If you are looking for ways to make your business more competitive, reducing costs can be something that you want to focus on. There are many things that you can do to reduce costs for your business, such as reducing expenses in IT and on physical hardware infrastructure. There may be some systems that you need to have, but cloud technology can give you the choice to send a lot of the services you use to the cloud and cut your costs. Read More 

3 Reasons to Move Your Lawn Mower to a Storage Unit at the End of Summer

If you're like many people, you might not use your lawn mower at all during the fall and winter months. This means that it might just sit outside of your home or in your garage for months at a time, without being used. A better option can be to move it to a storage unit, where you can store it until you need it again next spring and summer. These are a few reasons to consider this storage option. Read More 

Five Tips For Designing Labels For Your Jams And Jellies

If you run a small business that sells homemade jams and jellies, designing custom labels for those jams and jellies is a great way to make them more attractive to customers and do a little advertising. When working with a custom label manufacturer to design your labels, here are a few tips you'll want to keep in mind. Include a picture of the fruit(s) in the product on the label. Read More